UNIPROF Solary Wagner & Co dane kontaktowe




Gwarancje PV

Overviewof Photovoltaic Warranties

Beyond the  legal  requirements of two years, module and inverter  manufacturers  voluntarily  commit  to  extended warranties for private customers.

Please have a look at the included detailed conditions and coverage of the respective manufacturer warranties.

Guarantee and Warranty Terms


Product type

Product warranty

(for material and workmanship)

Power output guarantee





c-Si modules


10 years

Two-step warranty covered power output guarantee:

10 years guarantee of 90 % minimum power output,

25 years guarantee of 80 % minimum power output

Warranty is only valid for the initial installation.


HiS modules

10 years

Two-step warranty covered power output guarantee:

10 years guarantee of 90 % minimum power output,

25 years guarantee of 80 % minimum power output

Warranty is only valid for the initial installation.




LG modules

10 years

Linear warranty covered power output guarantee: Max. 0.7 % annual reduction of

minimum power output for 25 years,

beginning at 97 % in year 1 to 80.2 % in year 25


Warranty is only valid for the initial installation.



HIT modules

10 years

Two-step warranty covered power output guarantee:

10 years guarantee of 90 % minimum power output,

25 years guarantee of 80 % minimum power output

Warranty is only valid for the initial installation.






PE modules



10 years

Linear warranty covered power output guarantee: Max. 0.7 % annual reduction of

minimum power output for 25 years,

beginning at 97 % in year 1 to 80.2 % in year 25


Warranty is only valid for the initial installation.



YGE modules

10 years

Two-step warranty covered power output guarantee:

10 years guarantee of 91,2 % minimum power output,

25 years guarantee of 80,7 % minimum power output



Warranty is only valid for the initial installation.


Panda modules

Two-step warranty covered power output guarantee:

10 years guarantee of 92 % minimum power output,

25 years guarantee of 82 % minimum power output




Grid  inverters


5 years


Optional extension of warranty



Grid  inverters

5 years


Optional extension of warranty



Grid  inverters

5 years


Optional extension of warranty

Wagner & Co

TRIC racking systems

10 years



January 2012

Kontakt i adres

UNIPROF - Solary słoneczne

ul. Jaworowa 7
83-200 Starogard Gdański

tel. +48 602 29 42 55
fax. +48 58 56 10 285
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